How to create the perfect line on the eyelid? If you dream of a timeless and unbelievably effective line on the eyelid, reach for our LIQUID EYELINER. Thanks to it, with calligraphic precision, you can draw an extremely precise, uniform line - just like a real artist. You will be able to enjoy flawless and long-lasting makeup for up to 12 hours.

What you will love it for: it's waterproof, weatherproof and sebum-resistant. It works great during heat or rain. Its specially developed formula prevents smudging and dripping of the line from the eyelid. A high pigment content allows you to create a perfect line without streaks and clearances, which does not fade and does not change its intensity throughout the day.

What will delight you in it: a soft brush with flexible bristles of the appropriate thickness and length, which allows easy and precise application. You can draw both thin and thicker lines with it. Thanks to a special applicator, you will gain the right amount of mass to create an expressive line on the entire eyelid with one stroke.

What else is worth knowing about it: the eyeliner has been tested under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. It has an extremely delicate, odorless formula, ideal for people with sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. And its soft brush does not irritate the delicate skin of the eyelids.

How to use it: use the brush to draw a smooth stroke on the upper lash line. Wait a moment for the cosmetic to dry.

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Целлюлитийг хэрхэн үр дүнтэй арилгах вэ?

Нас, биеийн жингээс үл хамааран олонх эмэгтэйчүүдэд тулгардаг асуудал бол целлюлит юм. "Жүрж шиг барзгар арьс" үүсэх шалтгаан юу вэ, үүнтэй хэрхэн тэмцэх талаар энэхүү нийтлэлээс олж мэдээрэй.
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Хэрхэн өөрт тохирсон сүрчгээ олох вэ?

Танд төгс тохирсон үнэртэн нь таны хэв маяг, зан чанарыг тодотгож, эргэн тойронд тань онцгой аураг түгээж чаддаг. Тэгвэл энэ олон сүрчгийн дундаас хэрхэн зөв сүрчгээ олох вэ?
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